Java An Object Oriented Language

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Java is programming language

Java is a computer programming language expressly designed for use in the distributed environment of the internet. Java is simpler to use. It is an object oriented programming language java is used to create application that runs on computer servers and clients machines in a network. It is also used to build a small application module or applet for use as part of a Web page.

Java is a platform

There are lots of devices and machine which will not work unless we install java in them java is secure fast and reliable platform .games application everything which runs on a computer or a mobile phone is based on java. From laptops to datacenters, game consoles to scientific supercomputers, cell phones to the Internet, Java is everywhere!

Java –object oriented programming

Firstly you have to know what is object oriented programming is (OOP)?

Object-oriented programming (OOP) is a programming language model based on objects and data. Oops contains Class and Object OOP features: Inheritance, Abstraction, and Encapsulation etc.

Java is the object-oriented language because its works on objects it is the languages that specifically designed to have as few implementation dependencies as possible. It is intended to let application developers "write once, and run anywhere". Java is currently one of the most popular programming languages in use, particularly for server-client web applications.

Java is not a pure object oriented programming language

To become a pure object oriented language ,the language must contains these qualities Encapsulation/Data Hiding ,Inheritance ,Polymorphism ,Abstraction ,All predefined, types are objects ,All operations are performed by sending messages to objects ,All user defined types are objects. Java is not a pure object oriented language because java also supports Primitive data type such as int, byte, long... etc, to be used, which are not objects.

History of Java

Java Programming Language was written by James Gosling along with two other person ‘Mike Sheridan‘ and ‘Patrick Naughton‘, while they were working at Sun Microsystems. Initially it was named oak Programming Language.

Initial Java Versions 1.0 and 1.1 were released in the year 1996 for Linux, Solaris, Mac and Windows.

Java version 1.2 (Commonly called as java 2) was released in the year 1998.

Java Version 1.3 codename Kestrel was released in the year 2000.

Java Version 1.4 codename Merlin was released in the year 2002.

Java Version 1.5/Java SE 5 codename ‘Tiger’ was released in the year 2004.

Java Version 1.6/Java SE 6 Codename ‘Mustang’ was released in the year 2006.

Java Version 1.7/Java SE 7 Codename ‘Dolphin’ was released in the year 2011.

Java Version 1.8 is the current stable release which was released this year (2015)

Today, Java not only permeates the Internet, but also is the invisible force behind many of the applications and devices that power our day-to-day lives. From mobile phones to handheld devices, games and navigation systems to e-business solutions, Java is everywhere!


Popular Java Editors

Popular Java Editors:

To write your Java programs, you will need a text editor. There are even more sophisticated IDEs available in the market. But for now, you can consider one of the following: 

1. Notepad:

On Windows machine you can use any simple text editor like Notepad 


2. Eclipse:

 Eclipse is a Java-based open source platform that allows a software developer to create a customized development environment (IDE) from plug-in components built by Eclipse members. Eclipse is managed and directed by the Consortium.

3. NetBeans

NetBeans is an open source Integrated Development Environment written in Java and is one of IDR Solutions favorite IDE’s for Java Coding.

The NetBeans IDE supports development of all Java application types (Java SE, JavaFX, Java ME, web, EJB and mobile applications) standard out of the box. NetBeans is modular in design meaning it can be extended by third party developers who can create plug-ins for NetBeans to enhance functionality.

4. BlueJ

BlueJ is an integrated development environment (IDE) for the Java programming language; it has been mainly developed for educational purposes, but also suitable for those who wish to do small-scale software development. It runs with the help of a JDK (Java Development Kit).

BlueJ is mainly developed for the teaching of object-oriented programming, and its design differs from other development environments as a result.

 5. JEdit

JEdit is a text editor with hundreds (counting the time developing plug-ins) of person-years of development behind it. Most people argue where jEdit beats many expensive development tools for features and ease of use is that the jEdit core, comes with  a built-in macro language; an extensible plug-in architecture. Hundreds of macros and plug-in available
